BOP Inmate Locator

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Information about the Federal Bureau of Prisons (B.O.P)

The federal bureau of prison (BOP) has collaborated with the government to ensure that the inmates in the programs are notified within specific time about matters concerning them example the parole hearing and status changes .this BOP program protects the inmates’ rights and freedom. This is done under the attorney general office .BOP has all the procedures that are needed when handling an inmate and also the witnesses involved in any court hearing. This program help in notifying the victims of how the case stages are conducted and where the key stages of the cases are .the BOP is in charge of giving out procedures and guidelines on how the victims are supposed to be handled and treated. BOP ensures that every criminal has the same rights as a common citizen and the corporal punishment are therefore not highly encouraged. Mistreating or punishing of these victims may lead to serious damage to the one responsible.


The BOP provides information to the victims on how the federal body should conduct their crimes, it also share the victims information with other branches which they have partnered with to provide a peaceful and just society. Some of them include DOJ (department of justice) and VNS (Victim Notification System) in VNS all the names are in here since the day the victims are identified or during the arrest. The VNS provide a free call center and also an internet site for the victim’s interest, this enables the victims to feel valued back in the society. They are also provided with an identification pin number and a victim identification number. This numbers are usually used by the victims to access information via internet and the VNS call center, this help the victims to gain contact information and receive notifications .this victims are always provided with their initial notification letter which takes approximately three months for the victims to receive. the BOP makes sure that the person or victim is notified of when he/she will be released before the dates reaches, this always gives the victim the chance to share or notify his/her family .due to high security if it happens that an inmate escapes the notification is always done via phone the date and time as soon as possible.

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If the BOP gives a day of the trip back to the community the victim will always be notified of the time and location .this is always done to those inmates that are well behaved to meet this chances. Always the furlough is given in the final year of the inmate term. Also if an inmate dies in the course of the term the victims are notified about the death of the inmate.